
Speaker Proposal Form

Speaker Proposal Form
The International Language Symposium provides an opportunity to exchange expertise and examples of best practice with an audience of language education professionals from around the world. Eaqulas members and non-members will attend and delegates will include academic managers, language teachers and business directors along with specialists from international education organisations.
(max. 100 words)
Please explain briefly how your session meets one or more of the Symposium Committee’s selection criteria below:
  • Provide case studies and practical solutions for participants to use in their institutions
  • Explore trends and developments
  • Focus on language learning from the perspective of several different languages and/or different educational contexts
(max 100 words)
(100 words max.)
(max 250 words)

The abstract should accurately describe the contents of your session. The abstract will appear in the symposium program, and may be used in publicity about the symposium.

Please choose as appropriate
(max 150 words)
Timing of sessions
  • Presentations and workshops will be scheduled between 900 on Friday, June 2,  and 1530 on Saturday, June 3. In submitting your proposal, you commit to being available between these times.
Costs of attendance
  • Presenters will be expected to register for the symposium and to cover all the costs of attending the event (travel, accommodation and symposium registration fee).

By submitting your proposal you agree to the terms and conditions