Eaquals Sponsored Workshops

Joanna (Jo) Watson
Joanna (Jo) has been involved in English Language teaching since 1989. She has taught in Kuwait, the UK, Bahrain, Sharjah, Dubai, Oman and Switzerland.
Jo has worked as a part time teacher, a senior teacher, a Director of Studies, a centre manager, an Academic Manager, a teacher trainer (CELTA and DELTA OC), an IH Visitor, an EAQUALS inspector and Director EAQUALS Accreditation and Consultancy Services. Jo helped to develop EAQUALS online Inspector Training and is also involved in inspector training.
Since November 2012 Jo has been working a freelance consultant and teacher trainer and in April 2013 she was elected onto the EAQUALS Board as a trustee.
Workshop – Presentation 1 (60-minute session)
Dyslexia/Dyspraxia/ADHD – Raising Awareness
(Teacher Training and CPD, EPG, TD-Fram)
This workshop is a combination of theory and practice. The aim is to raise awareness of Special Educational Needs; begin to explore the differences in learning and to identify strategies which can be employed in the EFL classroom which benefit all learners.
Participants will consider information on dyslexia, dyspraxia and ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). Information will be provided on symptoms which may manifest themselves in the classroom and difficulties learners encounter, all based on recent research in other disciplines, e.g. medical facts, mental health research and inclusion strategies within state schools and universities in the United Kingdom.
The aim is to identify the relevant elements of the communicative approach within EFL (English as a Foreign Language) which are beneficial to all learners but specifically to learners with Special Educational Needs. Participants will consider, in groups, the findings of the previously mentioned research and will discuss these findings in relation to EFL methodology. There will also be the opportunity to actively compare their own practice and that of their peers clearly identifying the elements of the communicative approach which are a necessity within the classroom. The session is not about teachers becoming diagnosticians but about teachers being more aware of how their own teaching can become more inclusive without labelling any specific learners.
Within the workshop there will be the opportunity to experience some of the difficulties that learners have and to discuss how such experiences might influence their future teaching. These tasks will cover retention and recall, motor skills, listening ability and comprehension
Groups will discuss and share ideas and give feedback to the whole group.
Workshop – Presentation 2 (30-minute session)
Quality across borders – Introducing the work of Eaquals
What is Eaquals: An International Association for language education professionals; Founded in Europe in 1991; an international NGO with links to the Council of Europe; a unique international accreditation scheme
Mission: To contribute to the development of excellence in language education and to be the internationally recognised authority for quality standards and quality assurance in language education